The natural impulse of the universe is multiplication. We are here to be the hands and feet of the Divine to bring forth multiplication, purification and advancement. Therefore, nature naturally eliminates processes and organisms which refuse to engage in its progress.
We have a global problem of lack and limitation. Less than 10% of the world's population lives successfully, though riches are abundant in nature.
My life's work is to investigate the human condition, practice some recommendations, record them and teach them.
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal” (Earl Nightingale)
Success means playing an active role in advancing life on earth, which impacts eternity.
Nature is a tangible gallery of the spirit realm. All secrets of success are embedded in nature. Every human with a sound mind can access the same thought bank that the world's most successful people have accessed. A thought is a seed, an idea. The difference between those who fail and those who succeed lies in their attitude towards seeds/ ideas. Some eat or discard the seeds, and others plant and nurture them.
When given tomatoes, the poverty-minded eat all of them and wish for more or go out and earn money to buy more. The Cameroonian football team is an example of a system which perpetually consumes its seeds. They could have won the World Cup by now.
The success-minded help God in his work of advancing the tomato by extracting some of the seeds to cause proliferation. The careful handling of the seeds can obliterate poverty in a family or nation and raise them to lofty heights.
Time is a seed
Talent is a seed
Attitude is a seed
Money is a seed
A friend is a seed
A child is a seed
This article is a seed
Seeds cannot be numbered. You can generate 80.000 thoughts/ ideas/ seeds in a day.
It was a beautiful summer's day, and the sun was at its zenith. We were sitting underneath our French linen parasol. My wife served us lunch, which included some succulent Spanish cherry tomatoes. A thought in line with the impulse of the universe to multiply everything popped into my mind. Excellent seed, I thought.
I want to have more of these juicy tomatoes and share them with as many people as possible. There was one squashed, ugly-looking, rotten tomato left at the bottom of the packet. A visionary should look at a rotten tomato and see a vibrant tomato bush with wildlife paying homage to them. See them on plates, and taste them in your mouth.
I was guided to the bottom of the garden, where I invested it into the only space left. The spot was barren. I visited daily, spoke to it, sang to it, watered it and spoke favorably about it in its absence. I also held onto the image of the ideal harvest. The entire family joined in the effort also.
Before long, the rotten cherry tomato had exercised dominion over the barren bottom spot in the garden. Her fruits brought gladness to a multitude far and near. And we still talk about it as a family.
History is inundated with stories of people who were discarded like a rotten tomato but decided to deny the verdict, plant themselves and change the course of culture. Some examples include Joseph, son of Jacob; David, son of Jesse, Abraham Lincoln; Waldo Emerson; Tiger Woods, Thomas Edison; and Mr Mandela, to name a few.
Value your dreams, your ideals, your ideas, your contribution to the world, the people nobody wants as a friend, and the service you provide to the world in silence. The Law of compensation works with mathematical precision. You will be rewarded in exact proportion for your service towards the advancement of humanity. Make a habit of writing down your ideas and committing to developing a few.
You are a qualified world changer. You have seeds of gold in your life. Look 👀 closer.
Thanks for allowing me to serve you.
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